City Dog 5k 2019

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Ready, set, go!

City Dog 5k, our organization’s main fundraiser was held on Saturday, March 2, 2019.  City Dog 5k is more than just a fundraiser; it’s a celebration of the human-animal bond that brings dogs and people together one stride at a time.  Featuring a timed 5k held at Haulover Beach,  PAWticipants can run, walk, with or without a dog and enjoy the beach lined course.  Proceeds from this event go toward scholarships to City Dog Summer Camp, a summer program where children can foster meaningful relationships with dogs through force free training and use humane handling techniques.

Rocco’s Pack was, of course on board 150% and a great time was had by all.  We are so thankful for each and every single PAWticipant who came out this time, last time and last year.  It was truly awesome to see so many second time PAWticipants.  We also could not have done this if it was not for our wonderful team who worked tirelessly to bring this event to fruition, our PAWtners at Miami Dade County Parks and our district’s commissioner office (district 4) for their continued support.  A big shout out to our sponsors: CostcoPublixPetsmart Hotels, Kevita, P.E.T. Groomer’s Choice, Wicked Skins, The Mediterranean Diet and Forging Alliances, our private donors, volunteers and everyone else that played even the smallest part in this effort.

See for photos and follow City Dog 5k on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Next year’s race will be announced SOON! Stay tuned.

Till then, keep on City Dogging!!